A plan...

Posted by Will Allan | Posted in | Posted on 12:32

So how am I going to get fit?

We'll it's October and in Scotland that means cold, wet and windy. I also work full time so any riding would need to be in the evenings or at the weekends. But I've also got 2 small children so realistically the evenings means after they're in bed asleep and by then it's dark outside.

And so the title of this tale, "Cycling Around The Spare Bedroom".

My trusty steed will need to start out as an exercise bike. I've got a nice shiny new one we bought about a year ago. It's sitting in the spare bedroom pretending to be a clothes horse.

I've also thought of a fun way to make things a little more interesting. Armed with a map of Scotland and a pin, I close my eyes. Where will it land... I open my eyes and the winner is... Portree, on the Isle of Skye. So what you're thinking, what does that have to do with an exercise bike? Well it's simple really. Each day I'm going to try to clock up miles on the exercise bike and when I stop I'll look at the map and see how much farther along my journey I've come. If I land somewhere interesting I'll see if I can find out a bit about the place. All from the comfort of my spare (we never have guests) bedroom.

So where will the journey start? Well let's see. Out with the pin again... Oban. That sounds good, not too far, both on the West coast and whatsmore I've stayed in both towns and know the roads my virtual journey will take. Imagining my trip will be easy.

Oban to Portree... 154 miles

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Of we go...

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Hey, I love hearing all your comments. Let me know if I'm due to virtually cycle through your town and I'll drop by for a virtual cup on my travels.