The day after.

Posted by Will Allan | Posted in | Posted on 12:00

What was I thinking? Me and exercise don't mix. Yet I've done it now, I've made a pledge to get out on my bike. Not only that, I'm supposed to do go on some epic adventure. What have I done? I don't even know how far John O Groats is?

Hold on, a quick look on Google Maps tells me it's.... 317 miles, oh my goodness.... thats 510 km in new money... how am I going to do that?

Let's think, I've got to get fit, I've got to plan a route, I've got to get organised. I've already got a bike, a Saracen mountain bike, but is that a wise choice for a long journey which will probably end up being mostly on roads?

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Hey, I love hearing all your comments. Let me know if I'm due to virtually cycle through your town and I'll drop by for a virtual cup on my travels.